teacher's prayer before class

Here is the teacher's prayer before class that you can have a look at and help you to pray so that can start a class with students for the day.

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for this moment, thank you for this class, thank you for the students who have come for this class, thank you for each and every one of us, thank you for the gift of life, thank you giving us this opportunity to come together as a class , thank you for allowing me to teach this students, I pray that you fill me with wisdom and knowledge in order to handle the issue at hand, help me deliver it to the way you wanted me to do it, thank you for the blessings you have given us, as we start this class be with us until the end for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

teacher's prayer before class

teacher's prayer before class

teacher's prayer before class

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus

teacher's prayer before class

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