Looking for short prayer before bible study to help open a bible study for a group or when doing a study as an individual.
Below find short prayer to help open a bible study.
Heavenly Father, thank you for enabling me open this bible to study, I call upon your Holy spirit to speak to me right now so that I can be able to understand what am reading, I thank you and praise you for answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.amen
prayer before reading the bible
Dear loving God, I come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me this precious moment to study your word, this word speaks of you about the will you have for my life , as I read this word open my understanding so that I can fathom what am reading, speak to my inner mind so that I can know your will, thank you for the Holy Spirit that is reminding me what Jesus said, I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name i pray and believe. Amen
Dear loving God who is in heaven, thank you for your steadfast love you have for us,thank you for making me see another day,as I start the day want to ask you to guide and protect me, as I open your word to read it, I ask to open my inner mind to be able to comprehend what am reading, thank you for you are ready to reveal yourself to me,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name. Amen
opening prayer for bible study
Oh God in heaven,what a joy to come before your presence this morning,thanking you for enabling me see another morning in my life,thank you for your care and protection, thank you for your goodness that never fails,as I open this word that speaks of you,reveal yourself to me as I read it,help me to understand what am about to read, thank you for the Holy Spirit that you have promised to give in abundance, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name i pray and believe. Amen
Dear loving God, in the name of Jesus I come before you with thanksgiving in my heart and thank you for enabling me see another day in my life. As I study this book that you inspired writers of the old to write. I ask you to open my heart to perceive what you want me to know,thank you for the Holy Spirit to show me your will,and even as I start the day be with me in Jesus name i pray and believe. Amen
Oh God of mercy, am humbled though your mercies to come before you this early morning hours knowing that you hear me, thank you for your grace that has woken me up to open this scripture that is Holy, I ask you for Holy Spirit to guide where to read, sanctify me through this word that am about to read, thank you for your love and care. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen
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