Here is the short opening prayer before meeting that can help you as you plan to have a meeting soon, the prayer below here will help you open up the meeting and it is short, probably the one you are looking for.
Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for allowing us to here today, thank you for the meeting we are about to have, we pray for your grace to be upon us, thank you for the love and care that you have for us, it is you purposed for us to be here at this moment, as we begin this meeting we pray that you abide with us, help us to carry this meeting well until we finish for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen
Loving Father in heaven, it is a great honor to come before thy presence at this moment when we are about to begin this meeting, we pray that you given us wisdom and knowledge so that we can be able to discuss what is before us, thank because we are going to have a smooth meeting, be with us as we begin till we finish for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen
Thank you Lord
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