prayers for bible study group

Here are the prayers for bible study group samples and guide that can help you and your group before and after conducting bible study

Let the love of God be with you always as a study group, we are praying for you and wherever you are meeting just remember that you are in our prayers always.

We trust and believe that our good Lord will meet our needs according to His richness in glory.

prayers for bible study group before the study

Here is the sample prayers for bible study group before the study

Oh God who is in heaven, we are humbled through your mercies that you have for us in Jesus Christ to come before you as a group with thanksgiving in our hearts, praising and glorying you for your wonders, we are very happy for speaking to us and the revelation you have given us in your word, as we begin this bible study, may the Holy Spirit teach and guide us until we we come to an end,thank you for the grace that is sufficient to us, be with us as you have promised in your word until we finish in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

prayers for bible study group

Here is the sample prayers for bible study group

Dear loving Father who is in heaven, we are privileged through your grace to have this bible study today,thank you for speaking to us, we are grateful for using your servant to share with us your word, as we disperse from here today, may your word find a space in hearts because your word is life and spirit to us, we  shall always praise and glorify you for your mercies that you have for us,teach each and every one of us to learn on how to trust and walk in your live that you have shown to us in your word, we believe that the good work that you begun in us,you will bring it into completion, the love that you showed to us when you gave your only son Jesus Christ to die for us in the Cross so that whoever will believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting and that everlasting life is for us to know you and Jesus whom you send to save us from perishing,as we leave now this bible study, be with us always,thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name.amen

prayers for bible study group

Oh God who is in heaven, we have gathered here today with one accord to search for your scriptures, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for allowing us to meet today as a group, we commit this study to your able hands, may you guide and show us the way so that we can know the purpose and the will that you have to each and every one of us, bless us abundantly as we learn to trust you fully, as we start be with us from now until we finish for we pray believing in the name of our Lord Jesus.amen

opening prayer for bible study

prayers for bible study group

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