Looking for prayer to stop financial bad luck?Here is the sample guide to pray along
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Otherwise,get the prayer sample below here and pray day and night to see a breakthrough.
Let us pray now
My Father who is in heaven, I want to thank you for allowing me to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus, thanking you for your love and care,thank you for the gift of life, I know Father that you know and that is why you created me for a purpose, forgive me for not living according to your will,open my inner eyes of my mind so that I can see all that you have laid on the table before me, help me out so that I can keep on enjoying the provisions and the blessings that you have for me,give me a spirit that waits as you arrange things out for me, fill me with wisdom and knowledge to keep knowing your will, may your name be lifted up now and forever, for I have prayed and believed the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus.Amen
Dear loving God, in the name of Jesus, I want to thank you for the grace that has enabled me to come before you at this hour with thanksgiving in my heart giving you honor and glory for your love,thank you Father for accepting me to be called your child,you have promised that if I call upon you, you will show me great and marvelous things that I don't know,my heart feels discouraged and don't what is happening in my life, am really struggling financially and need a breakthrough, help me God because you have said that you will give me peace that surpasses human understanding,thank you for going a head of me and creating a way for I pray through the name of my Lord Jesus.Amen
Keep on praying for the word of God has commanded us to keep praying without stopping.
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