Prayer to stop bad luck

Here is a sample prayer to stop bad luck to help you as you pray to the Lord to take charge and control every aspect of your life starting today.

We always thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful mercies He has got in our lives. We are living because of the grace and goodness from Him.

Thank you for visiting our page for sample prayer and guidance on how to pray and stop the bad luck from your life.

As we can bring to your attention, we are a ministry that is focused in praying and increasing the knowledge of God upon our lives so that we can go beyond the bad luck that happens to face each and every one of us.

Meanwhile here is the sample prayer to stop bad luck.

prayer to stop bad luck

My Father and my Lord, I want to thank you and praise you for allowing me to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus, thanking you and praising for who you are. Your wonderful grace is upon me at this hour as I utter this words that the Holy Ghost has placed in my mouth.

Dear loving Father, no one is like you and that is the reason why you send you son Jesus Christ to die and save me from death, at this hour I want to get hold of the mercies that you have given me through Jesus and thank you for setting me free.

My Lord and my savior ,I'm grateful for coming to my rescue when I was lost,I'm your child now and that is why want to say thank you and thank you very much.

I want to come against evil plan upon my life and resit it by the blood of Jesus, any knowledge that is rising against the knowledge that is in Jesus, I resit it by the blood of Jesus.

I want to walk freely,knowing that in you,am free Lord. Thank you and may your name be glorified forever for I pray and believe through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

We want to thank you for visiting our page and want to invite you to subscribe to our prayer list,where we pray for one another to come against any bad luck in our lives.

Just keep on praying and know that many people are praying for you. With God all things are possible.

Below here is the box where you can insert your name and email and we shall be sending you a payer on a weekly basis to help as we pray together.

Thank you for visiting our page and may our good Lord fill you with wisdom and knowledge so that we can overcome any bad luck placed on our way.

Stay blessed and God bless you.

Keep praying.God is good.

prayer to remove bad luck

how to remove bad luck by prayer

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