prayer to begin a meeting

Here is the prayer to begin a meeting, we have prepared a prayer guide to help you begin a meeting you are about to have.

Dear loving Father in heaven, thank you for allowing us to call upon you before we start this meeting, we thank you for your promise that you are with us when we come in and when we go out, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we invite your presence to be with us so that we have a successful meeting, as we start may you help us accomplish the mission that has brought us together, we honor and praise you through the name of Jesus we pray and believe.amen

prayer to begin a meeting

May the love of God be with you always

prayer to begin a meeting

prayer to begin a meeting

Dear loving Father in heaven, what a privilege to come before you at this hour with thanksgiving in our hearts, we feel humbled through your mercies to call upon you, thank you for allowing us to meet in this manner, as we begin this meeting we ask you that you presence may abide with us, bless us with much blessing, thank you for everything that you have done to us, we praise and honor you, thank you for the love you have for us, as we begin,may your love be with us until the end of the meeting, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the mighty name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe.Amen 

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