prayer request for employment 

Here is the prayer request for employment form that you can fill and let us have your name as we mention in you prayer

Are you seeking for employment? let God guide to get an employment.

Our mission is to pray for one another and that is the reason why we have this prayer request ministries.

When you leave your name below here and the specific prayer request we will mention you in prayer

prayer request for employment

Heavenly Father through the name of Jesus Christ I want to thank you for your love and care. Thank you for allowing me see this day.Dear loving Father you know how heavy is my heart,since I graduated have searched for a job but every time I apply i get a regret, I feel am under a curse,  free me now so that can get a job to help my family. Thank you for helping me in Jesus name. Amen

Dear loving Father,  I come before you through the name of Jesus, thanking you for the free provision you give for us to call upon, my Father and my God I know you hear me and love me,I don't know what is happening to me, I have limited of the purpose for my life,I feel stuck and don't know what is happening to me,anytime I get a job I don't stay for more than three months before am laid off, I don't what the problem is with me,open my eyes to see, you are my Father and my creator you know me more than I know myself. Help me father to see so that I can align myself to your will, I leave my life to your able hand, I fully trust what your word says that you have good plans for me and every thing worked for good of those who trust in you.  I trust in you since you have promised never to leave me not forsake me,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name. Amen

prayer request for employment

Take heart as you seek for employment or for a new job, have faith that God's is with you always and will guide you all through. 

We are praying for you and your prayer request that you have given,  we will mention it before God 

God bless you and keep on praying and soon God is going to bless for a job and fulfill your heart desires.

prayer request for employment

miracle prayer requests for job

You can post a prayer request below so that can God can come for you help

employment prayer request

prayer request for employment

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prayer request for employment from others

Click below to see prayer request for employment offered by others...

prayer for job restoration 
I am a member of The Potter's House Church here in Dallas, Tx, I haven't been in awhile, but I lone to get back to church, however I works the evening …

Prayer for help getting a new job Not rated yet
I am in bad work situation and I been trying for over a year now to find a new job and I had no luck. I been given a bad name due to people who misunderstand …

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prayer request for employment

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prayer request for employment from others

Click below to see prayer request for employment offered by others...

prayer for job restoration 
I am a member of The Potter's House Church here in Dallas, Tx, I haven't been in awhile, but I lone to get back to church, however I works the evening …

Prayer for help getting a new job Not rated yet
I am in bad work situation and I been trying for over a year now to find a new job and I had no luck. I been given a bad name due to people who misunderstand …

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