Here is a prayer for a job to guide and help at this hour...
Below is sample prayer that you can pray a long as you ask God to lead you to a job that you are looking for
We join you in prayer and have faith that God will open doors for you
We know that the Lord is merciful and shall answer when you call upon Him,at this hour when you are looking for a job or need a different one, we join you in prayer.
The Lord hears.
Many times majority choose not to involve our heavenly Father in their affairs,they don't even pray but we thank you for putting God first and be sure He will fulfill the desires of your heart.
Whatever job you are looking for have faith that you are going to get it in Jesus name.
Let us join you now in petitioning our loving God to do it for you.
Here is the prayer guide that can help as you pray along at this hour wherever you are.
God of mercy,want to come before thee through the name of our Lord Jesus thanking you for the gift of life,thank you for helping me see another day,dear loving Father,thank you for the beautiful family that you have blessed me with and the love that we share together,thank you for the food that we put on the table,we are eating by your grace,dear Lord you know recently was laid off from the work that you had blessed my hands to do,so far have not found another one and don't know when it shall come,have applied to various organizations and waiting for a response,Divine Lord who knows from the beginning to the end,want to ask you to intervene Father so that I might find favor before the owners of the organizations have applied for,I know Lord that you are faithful and shall do it for me for your own glory,thank loving Father that I have the job by Father and receive it by the name of the Lord Jesus,together with my family we are celebrating because of the breakthrough, through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen
Commit yourself to praying the above prayer on a daily basis till you are called for the job and don't forget to make prayer a habit in your life.
It is only through prayer that we are able to overcome and our needs being met by the hand of God.
We are praying for you and wish you success in you new job and may the grace of God you all through in the name of our Lord Jesus.
Thank you for visiting our page and God bless you
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