Here is the prayer before reading the bible that you can find help as you do personal or group bible study
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We are here to give you guidance and direction as you do bible study as an individual or as a group.
Our prayer samples in this page are made to help you before and after the bible study
Dear loving Father, what a joy to come before you this morning through the name of our Lord Jesus, thank you for enabling me to see another day, I humbly ask for your presence to be with me as I read your bible , the word that you have given me through the Holy Spirit so that I can know you, thank you for your everlasting love that you have for me,as I read it open my mind to know and grasp.what am supposed to know ,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name i pray and believe. Amen
Oh God who is in heaven, am grateful from my heart for allowing me to open this bible that talks about the good plans you have for my life and how I should live while on earth, thank you for the holy spirit that is speaking to me right now, as I open the pages of this bible may it speak to my heart so that I can be able to understand it, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen
As an individual
Dear loving Father through the name of Jesus I want to come before you with thanksgiving in my heart honoring and giving you praises for your love and care. Thank you for allowing me to call upon you at this hour when am about to do a bible study which is your word, you use this word to speak to me,open my inner eyes as I read so that I can be able to understand what am reading, thank you for your Holy Spirit that is guiding and teaching me what is your will, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen
As a group
Oh God through the mercies of Calvary we want to come before you as a group with thanking you for allowing us to congregate here with love as we do the bible study, enlighten us so that we can understand what we are reading, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name.Amen
opening prayer after bible study
Closing prayer after bible study
Wednesday evening prayer and bible
Dear heavenly Father ,thank you for allowing me to call upon you at this hour of the day after a cumbersome day full of ups and down,as I study your word help me to understand it,thank you for the Holy Spirit that is guiding and teaching me to understand it, I praise and glorify you forever in Jesus name. Amen
evening prayer and bible study
Lord of mercy thank you for your grace that is sufficient, I thank you for this opportunity to call upon you and you have promised to show me great and unsearcheable things that I don't know, I know your good plans are in this word that am holding in my hand and want to thank you for the Holy Spirit that is illuminating for me what is your will, I give you honor and glory through the name of Jesus I pray and believe. Amen
school prayer and bible reading
bible study on prayer
prayer and bible reading
Dear God who is in heaven, am coming before you through the name of our name my Lord Jesus Christ, thanking you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to call upon you at this hour, thank you for the word that am holding me in my hand that speaks of you, thank you for promising me that you will never leave nor forsake me, ask direct my eyes to read it and be able to understand it, may you speak to my inner mind so that I can be able to understand what am reading thank you for your love and care for I pray believing in Jesus name ,Amen
Oh God in heaven, I humbly come before you through the name of Jesus Christ, thanking you for waking me up this morning to read the bible, thank you for the love you have for me, thank you for your everlasting love that you have me, you have promised that if I call upon thee you will hear and answer me, thank you for the grace that is sufficient, as I read this word that speaks of you may you open my eyes so that I can be able to know what is your will for me in this life, as I read it be with me until I finish for I pray and believing in Jesus name.amen
Dear loving Father, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you and give you honor at this hour, thank you for allowing me to call upon you before I read this word that speaks of you, thank you for the Holy spirit that is guiding and directing me to read exactly where you want me to study, open my inner eyes to know what am reading, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen
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