prayer before meeting at work

Here is the prayer before meeting at work that can help and guide as you pray before starting a meeting at work

Looking for sample prayer to help you pray before a meeting starts at work or when you are meeting as a group.

Below you will find samples that can help

prayer before meeting at work

Dear Loving, I want to thank you in a special way for the love that you have for me, you send your son Jesus Christ to die for me on the cross to set me free and you gave His name which is above all other name and though it we shall be saved, through that name I want to come before you with praise in my heart thanking you for protecting and guiding me always, right now am about to meet my boss concerning the promotion here, as he interviews and talks to me, give me wisdom to know how to answer the questions appropriately, guide me from the beginning to the end, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.amen

prayer before meeting at work

Oh God who is in heaven, what a joy to come before you as a family at this place of work, we want to thank you for allowing us to call upon you through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are about to start this crucial meeting that determine the growth of this company, we want to ask you to provide us with ideas that will align to the mission and vision we have of this company, thank you for each and every one of us who is present here today, we thank you for bringing us all together for the betterment of this company, as we start, let your will be manifested in all that we are going to do, thank you for hearing and answering our payer in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

The Father, son and the Holy Spirit, we have closed our eyes as employees of this company through the name of Jesus to thank you for allowing us to congregate here to deliberate issues concerning our welfare in this organization, life has not been good with our employer and we want to ask you to guide us on what we are supposed to do, as we start the meeting, be with us and help us know to the end in Jesus name we pray in one accord.Amen

prayer before meeting at work

Dear loving Father, through the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for allowing us to meet here this morning when we are about to start a meeting at this hour, thank you for bringing us together as workmates, thank you for blessing us with different gifts which we are using to serve here at work, thank you for our leaders for your guidance, as we start this meeting be with until the end for we pray in Jesus name.amen

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