prayer before bible study

Here is the prayer before bible study sample that can help as you pray before reading your bible

As you plan for your the bible study as a group, individual or study meeting, our prayer samples below here will help you as you pray to God to help you understand the scriptures you are ready.

Here we go..

prayer before bible study

Dear loving Father who is in heaven, I want to take this wonderful opportunity to thank you for allowing to hold this bible that speaks of you, I come before you through the name of my Lord Jesus thanking you for your love and care, as open this bible may you speak to my heart so that I can be able to understand your word, you have told me in your word that the heart is the spring of my life and you have told me to guide it by reading your word, I want to hide this word you have given me in the heart so that can be able to work in your laws and principles, thank you for promising me that you are always with me even to the end of the world, as open me it direct me to where you have kept your treasures, thank you for the Holy spirit that is speaking of me, be with with till I finish this bible study through the name of my Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen

prayer before bible study

prayer before bible study

Oh God who is in heaven, we have gathered here at this hour as brethren who wan to do a bible study together, we thank you for bringing us together so that you can enlighten us to understand your will, we know that the devil is not happy for our meeting but you have promised to always protect from any harm and danger, thank you for your grace that is sufficient to us as brothers and sisters, since we started meeting together, we have seen a great change in our lives, as the leader of our group is standing to guide us through the study, give him wisdom and knowledge so that he can be able to take us through till we finish, thank you for your love and thank you for the grace that you have given us freely be with us until we finish the bible study for we have prayed and believing in the name of our Lord Jesus.amen

prayer before bible study

Oh God through the name of my Lord Jesus, I want to take this precious opportunity to thank you for allowing me to hold this word that speaks of you, thank you for the good plans that you have given in this Bible, am about to read it, I ask you to enlighten my mind so that whatever am going to read may help me to move closer to you, thank you for your love and care, I honor and praise you through the name of my Lord Jesus.amen

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