opening prayer for women's meeting

Here is the opening prayer for women's meeting that you are going to have, find the prayer that can help you open the meeting below here in our page.

Loving Father in heaven, we humbly come before your presence at this hour, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we thank you for allowing us to gather here for this women meeting to look at our issues, thank you for the gift of life, thank you for helping us find time to be here, as we begin this meeting we pray that you guide and protect us to the end, the issues at hand needs our attention and without you we cannot be able to accomplish them, we pray that your presence abide with us to the end, thank you for hearing and answering in Jesus name.amen

opening prayer for women's meeting

Oh God, we have congregated here as we women to look at the agendas before us, we know that your presence is with us, as we begin this meeting we pray that you fill us with wisdom and knowledge and also guide us to come to an agreement, we pray for those who are not with us, bless them and those who came bind us with cords of love that can never be broken, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.amen

opening prayer for women's meeting

opening prayer for women's meeting

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