Here is the opening prayer for cell group that you have and want an opening prayer to help the group start a bible study and prayer session.
is the opening prayer to help a prayer cell start a bible study or prayer session that you are going to have.
Dear loving God, we come before you the same way we are through the name of our Lord Jesus, we have nothing to offer but to say thank you for loving us the way we are, thank you for the word we have shared together today as a family , we are grateful for the provision you give us always, since we started this bible study group we have seen your hand at work. We ask you to keep revealing yourself to us so that we can know you more, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name. Amen
opening prayer for bible study
Lord of mercy, through the name of Jesus Christ , I give you honor for allowing me share your word in this bible study group, I pray for each and every individual present hear to continue blessing them through your word, reveal yourself always through the word that always speaks of your, as we leave here be with us always in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen
opening prayer for bible study
Dear heavenly Father through the name of our Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for the word that have just read, this is special message for me ,I know loving God that you care for me more than I understand, I thank you for the Holy Spirit that has guided and shown me what to do, I praise and glorify you forever in Jesus name. Amen
opening prayer for bible study
Oh God, thank you for giving us the eternal name Jesus Christ which we proclaim today as a family that share together, thank you for giving us this wonderful opportunity to share your word together through bible study,thank you for sanctifying and washing us with the word which is life and spirit, we give you honor for your continued goodness to us, your mercies endures forever,as we leave this group today, go with us and bless us abundantly, May your name be glorified now and forever more in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen
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