Below is a family prayer request form to submit your prayer for other to join you too. You can find also free sample prayer that can guide you as your family come together for prayer.
Share your family prayer request here
Our dear Lord who is in heaven,
We come before you as a family through the might name of Jesus that you have given us,
We have faith in that name of Jesus and we are calling it today,praising and glorifying you,
We thank you Lord for being good to us and always supplying our needs according to your richness in glory,
Gracious Father you are our maker and our king. It is because of your mercies that we are alive and praising you,
You have supplied all that we need and we have nothing to complain about, You always reveal yourself to us and we thank you in a might way,
As a family each one of us has got a personal need and as we go to our closet to make the request to be known to you,
We thank you Lord because you supplied and gave everything in Jesus before we were created,
Lord of us we thank you for the much blessings to our family and may your name be lifted up always for generation to generation,
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayer in the name of Jesus we pray and believe.
Make it a happen to meet and pray together as a family.
God says in psalms 133:1..How good and pleasant it is. when God's people live together in unity.
As a family you can only be united together if you make prayer the priority in your life,
Pray when you are together and pray also as individuals whenever you are,just mention your brothers and sister in your prayer,
My dear loving Father who is in heaven,
Allow me to thank you for the many things that you have done to my life,
Let me thank you specifically for the free gift that you have given and our family,
You had purposed that we shall be a family so that we can bring glory to you,
What a joy that we are able to stay together and love each other,
We thank you that even though we go through challenges of life,Father you are there to protect us and also show us your way,
We thank you and praise you always,
Keep on revealing yourself to us and may your name be glorifies now and forever more,
For we pray and believe in Jesus name.
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