daily prayer for married couples

Here is the daily prayer for married couples that you can pray to God to keep your marriage intact and also ask Him to protect your marriage from any danger.

Dear loving Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we come before your presence me and my husband, thanking you for the love you have given us, thank you for bringing us together as couples, we ask you to protect our marriage, may you help us to always trust you, help us to fix our eyes in you always. Help this marriage to prosper always, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name.Amen

daily prayer for married couples

I will forever praise you.

Dear loving Father who is in heaven,  thank you for allowing us to come before your presence at this hour, we pray that you help us to grow in love, thank you for blessing us with this marriage, we know that you purposed us to be together, let the work you have began us continue to the time you have put,  thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name. Amen

daily prayer for married couples

Thank Lord for this day

Dear loving Father in heaven, thank you for this beautiful day that you have given us, we come your presence this morning knowing that you do hear us, as a couple we want to thank you for the love you have given us, we honor and praise you at this hour, we pray that you help us to love each other the way you created us, may your agape love  from from you through us so that we can learn on how to love each other,may you reach us to handle each other with care knowing that we are all human beings with weaknesses,  thank you for for who are you to us, you have accepted us the way we are and also pray that we accept each other the same way, as we start the day,  may you be with us during the day and bless us abundantly through the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe. Amen

daily prayer for married couples

Thank you God for your love

Dear loving Father God as we start this day, may you be with us though the day for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen 

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