daily prayer for children

Here is a sample daily prayer for children that can help as you pray for your children

It's only God who can protect and guide your children. Take time to pray for them and we are also praying for them

daily prayer for children

daily prayer for children

God will always protect and be with your children when they go out and when they come.

Bring them to the throne of grace every morning and evening

daily prayer for my children

Dear loving Father, what a joy to come before you this morning with thanksgiving in my heart, I thank you for waking me up well together with my children to start this day, I ask for your divine protect during this day, send thy angel to guide and protect my children anywhere they shall be this day, thank you for your mercies and love, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

daily prayer for children

Dear heavenly Father, we are grateful to see another morning that you have given us,thank you for your mercies and love,thank you for keeping us peaceful as  a family and the children too,as we start the day we are asking for your blessings to each and every one of us and guide us in all that we shall do during the day until we meet in the evening, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

daily prayer for  children

Oh God of mercy, what a joy to see another morning in my life,  through the name of our Lord Jesus,  I bring my wife and children this morning, I ask you to guide and protect them, fill them with wisdom and knowledge, may the remain dedicated and faithful to your commands, as we start this day I ask you to be with us through this day, thank you for answering my prayer through the name of my Lord Jesus I pray and believe. Amen

daily prayer for  children

Dear loving Father God who is in heaven, we humbly come before you as a family thanking you for granting us this day to see another morning, together this morning we want to call upon you to guide and protect us during this day, wherever we shall be as family members we ask for your divine hovering of your Holy Spirit over us, let your goodness follow us and may mercy be to each and every one of us,we honor and give you glory through the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe. Amen

daily prayer for  children

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