closing prayer for prayer service

Here is the closing prayer for prayer service that you have just had, find samples that can help you end the wonderful program you have just had.

Dear loving Father in heaven, through the grace that is in Jesus Christ, want to thank you for allowing us to have this wonderful prayer session and service, you have been good to us and have led us this far, we honor and praise you for speaking to us, thank you for the Holy Spirit that has been ministering to us,thank you for the speakers for the day, your word has spoken to our hearts, thank you for the prayers that we have offered to you, we know that you will answer us according to your will, as we depart from here we pray that you bind us with cords that can never be broken, thank you for the mercies and goodness that follows us forever, we honor and praise you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe,Amen

closing prayer for prayer service

Oh God in heaven, thank you for the love and care that you have for us

Dear loving Father in heaven,  we come before your presence at this hour thanking you for your goodness to us,  thank you for helping and enabling us to meet so that we can pray together,  thank you for the wonderful session we have had together as prayer partner, we have made prayer requests to you. We ask you to meet us at the point of need, as we come to an end of this prayer session, we pray for your divine guidance, bless each and every one of us, meet us at our point of need as your word has promised,  keep us in perfect peace and may you help us to always depend on you, thank you for the love you have for us, we honor and praise you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen


God of mercy, in the name of our Lord Jesus,  we come to and end of this prayer session, we are about to leave this place, may your presence go with us, bind us with cords of love that can never be broken, thank you for giving us a wonderful opportunity to pray for each other, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen

closing prayer for prayer service

closing prayer for prayer service

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