Opening prayer for flag ceremony in hospital

Here is the Opening prayer for flag ceremony in hospital that you can download so that can use it during the ceremony you will have soon. The opening prayer is ready to be downloaded.

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we humbly come before your presence at this moment and in this ceremony, thank you for allowing us to gather here in this hospital to raise this flag, we pray that you presence abide with us, take us through and guide us as we begin to the end, thank you for giving us this chance that we have, we pray that you bless each and every one of us. As we begin this exercise be with us till finish for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

prayer for flag ceremony

Opening prayer for flag ceremony in hospital

Oh God in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we come before you at this moment, thanking for your love and infinite peace that you have given us, thank you for each and every one of us present here, we acknowledge your presence for you have promised in your word that you will abide with us always when we go out and come and you are with us even to the end of the world, as we raise the flag this moment ,may you help us carry this exercise well to the end, place our leaders of the government and even the management of this institution, we know Father that you do care and I pray that you give them good health so that they can administer their duties with diligence, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

Opening prayer for flag ceremony in hospital

Opening prayer for flag ceremony in hospital

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