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Prayer Request Ministries provides biblical prayer for a Christian event

Prayer request Ministries provides biblical prayer for a Christian event

Prayer is an activity that takes as before the presence of God and it's only in the presence of God that we get the peace that surpasses human understanding.

With our busy daily schedules, we want to make use of the improved technology to enlighten ourselves.

No matter the situation you find yourself at, we guarantee you that the mercies of God is with you, we shall walk with you and shall find peace in your heart.

We can instill biblical principles and behaviors to overcome the daily challenges

We thank you for visiting our site as we help you with prayer points to pray against any spirit that causes bad luck ,misfortune,curses and lost opportunities in your life , family and work place.

We assure you that we are praying for you and God will deliver you and your family.

We pray for each other from around the world, so that the spirit of grace and favor to be upon each and every one of us who loves the Lord.

Some of the indicators in one's life that shows there is a spirit of bad luck and lost opportunities are:

  • You always have last minute disappointments 
  • You are always faced with tragedy after tragedy and have never known any peace in your life.
  • Despite your gifts,talents and even potential, people at your work place bypass you and you don't know why
  • You and others make an occasion very successful but only later to realize you have made a silly mistake that ruins every thing.
  • You are always punished for other people's mistakes or offenses
  • people find it difficult to help you, they would rather find someone else to help who is less deserving
  • on the day you are going to receive a favor, thing that are beyond your control mysteriously happen and you don't manage to go and don't know why
  • In the midst of many people you are singled out for a mistake that you never committed.
  • You are promised a favor but somehow bad things happen that makes them to change mind.

Everywhere you walk, shall hear people of goodwill talking of "being luck", "wish you good luck". Is it true we Christians should also say that things happen by "good or bad luck"?

Fore example in Ecclesiastes 9:11, the Bible says that ...  I realized another thing, that in this world fast runners do not always win the races, and the brave do not always win the battles. The wise do not always earn a living, intelligent people do not always get rich, and capable people do not always rise to high positions. Bad luck happens to everyone(GNB)

As you can note from above, the Good News Translation has used the word bad luck while the rest uses the "Time and Chance " happen to all.

Therefore in this page we are going to peg our prayers that it is possible to pray a prayer of knowledge of truth.

You are sure of a resourceful site that is nearer to you.

Besides this resource I also conduct prayer seminars, workshops and campaigns around the world.

Fasting and prayer guide

Prayer request Ministries

Who is Pastor Hesbon Nyambane? Find more about me here

Our prayer examples and materials here are meant to be used freely and shared amongst yourselves.

What do you expect to find here:

  • You will get free sample prayer to guide you
  • Encouraging words to keep your prayer life moving
  • Inspiring stories both from the bible and individuals from around the world of what prayer has done to their lives.

We are one of the most popular prayer site ministries in the world. Ten thousand of people come here daily for prayer request and to get inspired.

We are here to encourage ourselves to know how to correspond with the environment of God and prayer is the only means in which we can remain in touch with this environment that the soul and spirit is yearning for.

To live is to correspond and to correspond is the live.

Prayer request ministries will help you to know that and assist you to remain in touch with God to eternity.

so that we can hearken to His call where God says.....

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land(2 Chronicles 7:14).

Please take advantage of this ministry and join thousands of others from around the world who believe in the power of prayer.

Fasting and prayer guide

Let us pray:

Our heavenly who is in heaven,thank you for the gift of life and thank you for your provisions. As we learn of you,let your grace dwell richly in our hearts so that we can know you more.We give you glory and honor for this prayer ministry,may the information and revelation in this site help many around the world to receive the blessings through the name of Jesus.Amen

We know that there is a lot of secrets behind an effective prayer.

We welcome you to our ministry to learn and know how to pray that effective prayer.

prayer is the means in which God has appointed for preserving our spiritual life in existence and for retaining the Holy Spirit.

we need to ask,seek and knock .

God delights in those thus show how deeply they feel their need of this crowning blessing.

For the spirit of God must be sought by prayer,if we would experience His blessed in working.

We have many free samples here to learn from

We train and show you how to pray for yourself a thanksgiving prayer and for ALL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD.

We pray for all people and all the time. Join us today and experience the goodness of the Lord upon your life and your loved ones

Join our prayer list now

Prayer Request Ministries

We help individuals and Christians around the world to post and also learn how to pray. Anytime you want others to join and help in prayers you can post and many people around the world will join you.

Nobody has ever known how to pray more than our Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the one who made it clear that we need to pray without getting tired,from him we are able to learn secrets about the prayer ministry that is very important to a Christian life.

If you want to succeed in anything then you ought to pray always.

This prayer request ministries was born after I spend many years wanting to know why God gave us the prayer ministry. Have taught about prayer for many years and understand the importance of prayer for an individual or a congregation.

Just be sure that God answers prayers and depend on us to pray in order to overcome the world.

God depend on the avenue given, that is the gift of prayer to access the world and fight for His people who are you and me. You can imagine how important prayer is to God and you.

Jesus spend most of his time while on earth as a human being praying and communing to his Father.

If you can forget everything else please don't forget about prayers.

Prayer request ministries guide

prayer request ministries -types of prayers

Prayer Request Ministries
